Categories Barrel Race Barrel Race at Penland Arena Post author By strided Post date January 31, 2023 More information at Penland Arena Barrel Race: October 19th Pre enter for Saturday! Contact Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) PhoneSaturday Grounds Fee (per horse) Quantity(Required) Price: $5.00 Quantity Input number of horses you are bringing. Ground fee is per day per horse.Office Fee (per rider) Quantity(Required) Price: $5.00 Quantity Input number of riders you are enteringStalls Quantity Price: $35.00 Quantity 20 items available.Input quantity of stalls you needClass EntriesEntries Name Horse Name Saturday Classes Saturday Exhibitions Saturday Exhibition Time Slots Actions Edit Delete There are no Entries. Add Entry Maximum number of entries reached. Class Entries Total Price: $0.00 PaymentSpecial RequestsRide at your own risk(Required) I acknowledge riskWarning. By registering for this event, you assume the risk of equine activities pursuant to Pennsylvania law. Penland Arena and any sanctioning organizations are not responsible for injury to horse or rider. Ride at your own risk.Subtotal $0.00 Processing Fee(Required) Price: $0.00 Total Credit CardCard Details Cardholder Name